All birds can be attracted to a window feeder. Some will require bright colors to draw them in while others simply need a big enough feeder to attract them. The size, color, and type of food offered on your window feeder will determine what types of birds you attract.
To start with, attract birds by using bright colors that will signal ripened fruit that is safe to eat. Add a variety of seed mix, meal worms, suet nuggets, dried fruit, and large peanuts. Experiment with different types of feed to see which birds come to the window.
Best Window Bird Feeder?
Generally speaking, there are two basic styles of feeders. There are those that stick to the window with suction cups and those that rest inside your windowsill.
1. Suction Cup Feeder
The suction cup feeder style is very popular, typically made out of durable plastic that is clear. Simply attach it to the window with the suction cups. Most of the suction cups used on window feeders adhere nicely and are strong enough to hold the weight of the food and the birds for quite sometime, though keeping the suction cups clean and burping them every so often helps the suction last longer. They come in numerous designs for different types of food. Some are designed specifically to hold suet blocks, and some are made only for hummingbird nectar.
2. Windowsill Feeder
The other type of feeder is the windowsill feeder, sometimes referred to as a breadbox feeder. They are set directly inside the windowsill and are supported by the window itself. This sturdier foundation makes it easier to use large feeders than you could with the suction cup kind. Most windowsill feeders are going to require that you open the window to rest it on the windowsill, so depending on the type of windowsill feeder you choose and the type of windows you have, this could affect the seal of your window. Some varieties may even extend into the house. There are usually adjustable pieces on the sides to account for different sizes of windowsills and allowing you to close off an open space like for an air conditioner. Secure the windowsill feeder by shutting the window on top of the feeder to hold it in place.
How long does it take for birds to come to a new window feeder?
There is a general Rule of 2s that birdwatchers apply while they wait. This means, it may take 2 seconds, 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months for birds to come and use the feeder. Depending on how many birds are already near your window and a few other factors like where the feeder is positioned, the type of feeder, the quality of the food, weather, or nearby predators, it could take a few days to a month or longer to attract birds. Be patient, and make sure you keep the feeder filled with seed, changing it every so often to keep it fresh while you wait. Once one bird finds the feeder and begins to frequent it, more birds will follow.
Can window feeders make birds fly into the windows?
While it seems logical that offering food so close to a clear sheet of glass will increase the likelihood of a bird flying into the window, the opposite is actually true. Actually, window feeders seem to lesson the chances of a bird smashing into the window. The reason for this is most likely due to the fact that the bird is close enough to see the window when feeding and that they don’t have enough space between the feeder and the window to build up enough momentum to cause harm.
Studies have actually revealed that birds are most likely killed crashing into windows that are 15 to 30 feet away from a feeder. It takes only about 3 feet of distance for a bird to fly from a perch and build enough momentum to crash through a window. Windowsill feeders, however, are much less than 3 feet away from the window, so there is not enough space in between the feeder and the window to build the momentum needed to cause harm. There are things you can do to deter window strikes if they do become a problem. One thing is to attach bird deterrent window clings to the window.
Do window feeders attract insects?
One big issue with bird feeders is that they often attract wildlife other than birds. Squirrels, and sometimes mice are a big nuisance, but insects can become a problem as well. Cockroaches are one insect that may find your food meant for the birds. One way to avert the insect issue is to use feed that attracts birds who eat bugs. Meal worm is a great feed to use since you are actually using insects to attract the insect-eating birds. Some hummingbird feeders are built with a moat that ants and other insects cannot cross when it is filled with sweet water.
While bird watching at your own window is exciting, many want to experience more interaction with a bird. If this is you, it may be time to look into bringing a bird into your home as a pet. But, before you rush out and pick out the prettiest, most affordable bird, there are a few helpful tips to first know.
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About Us
We are avid bird-watchers who recently retired, allowing us more time to travel the world. Fortunately, we have managed to visit numerous countries around Europe, Asia, and America. Watching and photographing birds has been a passion for many years and we are making the most of the extra time on our hands!