A fish pond offers many advantages, but to some birds it’s basically a giant dinner plate. Without the right protection, your fish pond will become ravaged by predatory birds. While there are other predators, birds are the number one problem in keeping the pond properly stocked with fish. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help lower the chances of birds turning your pond into their buffet.
1. Decoys
Just like putting a scarecrow in the middle of a field, so too will placing a hawk or Owl Decoy keep away the birds. This Owl decoy even moves its head to add to its realism. You will need to do a little research to see what types of birds are in your location that hunt fish, then set up the right type of decoy.
This means you can combine different types of decoys. One of the best is creating a scarecrow as most birds do not like the presence of humans. You can create a scarecrow from some old clothes. But as with the bird decoy, you should move it around from time to time. Otherwise, the birds might catch on that it’s not real.
2. Bird Feeder
Instead of trying to scare the birds away, you can entice them with a bird feeder. Because bird feeders are considerably easier for birds to access compared to hunting for fish, many will leave the pond alone if they have a steady supply of food. You will need to set up bird feeders and water sources well away from the pond. Be sure to put the feeders and water in positions where birds will not cross the pond to get to them.
3. Create a Hiding Place
You do not have to build a cave, but you can create an area for the fish to hide by using long, flat pieces of material along one side of the pond. This gives many of your fish a place to go when the birds are around. If the birds cannot see them, then they tend to go away. However, it does take considerable work to cover a small portion of the pond with this method.
4. Netting
Arguably the most effective method of deterring birds away from your pond is by using a polyurethane net. Pond netting provides a simple physical barrier to keep the fish protected while still allowing in the light. Proper fish netting provides a layer of protection that predatory birds will avoid. This is because they can no longer swoop in and grab the fish in flight.
However, setting up the netting may be problematic depending on the size of your pond. You will need enough net to cover the pond and long sticks to keep the netting above the surface. Add plenty of anchors and you have a protected fish pond. You’ll probably need to create an access to reach the pond without disrupting the netting.
5. Pinwheels
You may have seen outdoor pinwheels before, but they are more than simple decorations. When the fins have a metallic or reflective surface like this metal, solar powered ornament, they can naturally scare birds away. The sudden flashes of light startle the birds and will help keep them away from your fish pond. Pinwheels are also quite durable and only need occasional inspection to ensure they are still upright and working.
Another option is to use cheaper plastic wheels. Although less durable, they work just as well in a sheltered area.
If you have some metallic tape lying around and some sticks and string, you can use that instead of purchasing a pinwheel. Attach one end of the string to the tape, the other to the top of the stick, then plant the bottom of the stick in the ground. Be sure the tape can move around in the wind.
While the pinwheels will not work at night, birds tend to be asleep anyway. However, a dark, cloudy day might reduce the sunlight to the point where pinwheels will not work. So, you may need to employ additional methods just in case.
Similar to pinwheels, CD’s can be a great deterrent of birds. It may seem a little strange at first but hanging a few CD-ROMs around your pond can be most effective in keeping the birds away. Birds are scared of reflecting light. When the shiny side of CD glimmers and reflects light it will scare away most birds. You can use cheap pie pans that are foil or aluminum as well.
6. Balloons
You’ll want to use balloons that are made with shiny materials not only for their reflective quality, but they are more durable than traditional balloons. Ideally, you’ll want to use balloons with faces and eyes painted on them, so the birds believe that there are predators around. Tie a balloon or two around your pond and judge the results. You may find that you need to add more to the places that the birds nest.
7. Motion Activated Sprinkler
Bit of a tecky? Enjoy gadgets? This Motion Activated Sprinkler might be for you. The sprinkler has an intelligent motion sensor that can distinguish between animals and other movements. The spriknler works off a few batteries and last up to 7,500 activaitons.
By shooting water at birds around your pond the sprinkler gives them a fright and scares them away.
8. Noise and Lights
Now that you know seagulls are not fond of blinding lights, you can install strobe lights on your roof and consider it a job done. However, the lights may be placed in a visible place and maybe you wouldn’t want the neighbourhood thinking there is a silent disco at your house! Nonetheless, LED lights are a very effective bird deterrent.
Audio devices that plays the sounds of predatory birds or seagulls distress call are also very effective too. These gadgets can be relatively expensive compared to other methods, but they are practical and easy to install.
Strobe lights are likely the better options of the two, especially if you use low-energy LEDs.
What smells can scare away birds from a fish pond?
There are many smells that can repel birds away from your fish pond. Garlic, Cayenne Pepper and Peppermint Oil are all known to be offensive to birds and all happen to be organic products. Follow this article to learn more about what smells keep birds away.
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About Us
We are avid bird-watchers who recently retired, allowing us more time to travel the world. Fortunately, we have managed to visit numerous countries around Europe, Asia, and America. Watching and photographing birds has been a passion for many years and we are making the most of the extra time on our hands!