What is the World’s Largest Falcon? (Pictures, Sounds and Facts)

Discover the world of the Gyrfalcon, the largest and most majestic falcon on the planet, as we take you on a fascinating journey through its Arctic habitat, striking appearance, and impressive hunting skills.

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about this awe-inspiring raptor, including its size, range, and conservation status. So, join us as we unveil the secrets of the mighty Gyrfalcon, a true feathered giant that rules the skies with unparalleled grace and power.


Size and Appearance

As the undisputed king of falcons, the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) stands tall, with a body length of 20-27 inches and a wingspan reaching up to 63 inches. This regal bird can be found in various color morphs, from pure white to dark gray.

Their plumage can be mottled, offering them excellent camouflage in their Arctic tundra habitat.

Gyrfalcons are known for their strong, powerful build and large heads, giving them a commanding presence in the sky. Their bright yellow legs, feet, and beak provide a striking contrast to their predominantly white or gray bodies.


Habitat and Distribution: Where to Find the World’s Largest Falcon

Gyrfalcons call the Arctic tundra home, where they expertly navigate icy landscapes and freezing temperatures. They can be found across the northern reaches of North America, Europe, and Asia.

These adaptable creatures aren’t picky about their nesting sites, often choosing cliffs, rock outcroppings, or even human-made structures as their breeding grounds.


Diet and Hunting: The Largest Falcon in the Skies

As expert hunters, Gyrfalcons rely on their incredible speed, agility, and keen eyesight to capture their prey. These raptors primarily feast on birds like ptarmigans, ducks, and seabirds, but they won’t shy away from a small mammal like a lemming when the opportunity arises.

Gyrfalcons are known for their dramatic hunting style, where they engage in high-speed pursuits or perform breathtaking stoops from the sky to snatch their prey in mid-air. It’s a thrilling spectacle to watch and just one more reason why the Gyrfalcon has captured our imaginations.

Conservation Status: A Stable Giant

The Gyrfalcon population is currently considered stable, thanks to the remote and inhospitable nature of their Arctic habitat. However, climate change and habitat loss pose potential threats to these incredible birds. As with all wildlife, it’s crucial to support conservation efforts and appreciate these avian wonders from a respectful distance.



The Gyrfalcon is a remarkable creature that has rightfully earned its place as the largest falcon in the world.

With their impressive size, captivating hunting techniques, and striking appearance, it’s no wonder these birds have captured the hearts of birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike. So, the next time you find yourself in the Arctic tundra, keep an eye out for the majestic Gyrfalcon, and you might just be rewarded with a glimpse of this awe-inspiring raptor.