Best Bird Feeder 2020


Bird feeders are a key part of any yard that wants to attract birds. They can come in a wide variety of sizes and materials and it can be tricky to understand which feeders will attract which birds. Choosing the right type of feeder and also the correct type of feed is essential for attracting a wide variety of birds.

Table of Contents


Following my feed guide will give you more insight into what’s best for your yard!

Before we get into the list, it’s worth mentioning that cleaning your feeder will help sustain a healthy environment for your birds. Reducing the spreading of bacteria is key to keeping your wilderness healthy!


This article will cover a wide variety of bird feeders and what birds they can attract. 

What is the best bird feeder in 2020?

Table of Contents

Best Nectar Feeder 2020

Nectar feeders are a special type of bird feeders that are used to attract nectar-eating birds such as the Hummingbird.


Nectar feeders come in different shape and sizes. They are made of either plastic, ceramics, or glass. There are three main components to a nectar feeder that matter; tank and base.


Tank:   The tank portion of the feeder holds the nectar. Usually made of plastic or glass the tank portion is ideally colored a vibrant red. Hummingbirds are attracted to both red and yellow and is the reason why so many feeders use these colors. Plastic tanks are lightweight, usually cheaper and often radiate a vibrant red. Glass tanks are more durable (just don’t drop them) but do often come at a premium. Another speciation to look out for is the capacity of the nectar tanks. Leaking nectar is a big issue with larger, cheaper feeders.


Base: The base of a nectar feeder is often plastic but can be copper or other metals. It’s important to get a high-quality base as the connection between the base and the tank will ensure the feeder doesn’t leak nectar. The base can sometimes be decorated with red/yellow flowers which can be great to attract hummers.

Which birds do nectar feeders attract?





The First Nature 3055 is an attractive feeder with a striking red color that is sure to catch the eye of any hummingbird. It is lightweight and made from plastic but is surprisingly durable. It has a large capacity and has 10 ports giving the ability for multiple birds to feed at the same time. The main downfall of this feeder is the combination of its large capacity, lightweight design and single hook to hold it in place. This combination can cause issues in high winds as the feeder has a tendency to sway and leak nectar. An easy fix is to reinforce the hook with extra tap or string to keep it in place.

What we like


ShinyArt Hummingbird feeder is as striking nectar feeder and would be a great addition to any backyard. It’s made from sturdy glass that is filled with colorful pigment that won’t fade. It has four feeding ports that covered by red flowers. It has a large capacity and is easy to refill. Cleaning the glass is easier than you might suspect as the bottom unscrews off away from the tank. The only downside to the feeder is that it is particularly heavy due to its size and material.

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This Perky Pet nectar feeder is a unique design that is sure to bring hummingbirds and other nectar eating birds to your yard. The tank of the feeder is made from translucent red glass and has 4 flower shaped feeding ports to attract birds. It has a built-in ant and bee moat. The feeder comes apart easily for easy cleaning. The top of the feeder is easily removed to ensure refilling is stress-free. The only downside to the feeder is that the yellow flowers can attract bees as well as birds and can be nuisance depending on your area.

What we like


The Aspects hummingbird feeder is easy to use; the top comes off easily and is therefore easy to and refill. Its most compelling aspect is that it is a window feeder. It has strong suction cups that keep it sturdy. The Aspects Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder has got a simple dish design with three feeding ports and perches for hummingbirds and other nectar feeding feathered animals to sit and eat. Ant moats is also built into this design. The plastic material is dense and does not crack even when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time.

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Best Squirrel Proof Feeder 2020

Squirrel Proof feeders are exactly what they sound like. They have specific design that purposely deter squirrels among other rodents.


Squirrels are very persistent in getting what they want, which in this case, is a share of the bird seeds. They will do virtually anything to get at it – jumping from rooftops and branches, four feet from the ground, chew through restrictive barriers, you name it squirrels have attempted it.


Squirrel proof feeders are more expensive than conventional feeders but they can help you save money in the long term. Normal bird feeders will break easily if a squirrel starts chewing through it and it can be a pain to constantly replace them. In addition, you’ll save money on bird feed your stock won’t be deplete so quickly due to those hungry rodents.


There are many designs on the market that work against squirrel. Weight activated feeders, caged feeders or squirrel baffles are all effective deterrents. This section of the article will cover our favorite squirrel proof feeders on the market.

The Backyard Expressions are a set of bird feeders that have small holes embedded in their structures which serve as a great deterrent to the squirrels. The holes are small enough for birds to hang on to and feed. The feeder is designed for the black sunflower seeds as these are a good size for the feeder and also a favorite of many smaller song birds such as cardinals, finches and chickadees. The set of 3 feeders come in a nice array of colors and are a beautiful addition to any yard. The main downside of these feeders is that they do require the correct sizes seeds otherwise they will simply fall out of the feeder with any movement.

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The Droll Yankee flipper feeder has clever motorized rotating perches that are activated under the weight of a squirrel. The perch will rotate fast enough to give them a fright but not to harm them. Birds are unaffected as their weight isn’t significant enough to trigger the motion device.


It’s a durable feeder that holds up to five pounds of seeds. The main downside of the feeder is that it does require batteries to power the rotating perch but other than this it is an effective squirrel repellent with over 1000 reviews on amazon of 4.5*+.

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The Gray Bunny is a squirrel proof feeder with a clever design. It’s got a metallic cage that helps to protect the seed chamber within. Bars are placed at good distance intervals from each other that your view of the birds isn’t hindered but are close enough together to keep squirrels out. Smaller birds will be able to sneak through the cage.  The lid is a great addition  as well as it protects the seeds from the rain. The main drawback of this design is that smaller seeds can fall straight through the feeder to the ground but will only happen when moved about excessively.

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Best Suet Feeder 2020

Suet feeders are one of the many great bird feeder options when it comes to bringing birds over to your yard. These feeders rely on different designs to present suet, but can also be used with some other food options for birds depending on time of year. 


Suet is a variation of beef fat that can be purchased with a mixture for birds to feed upon. This attracts woodpeckers, chickadees, jays, and more. These feeders generally offer different designs depending on what kinds of birds that you want to attract. However, they can be easily refilled with suet as needed to provide your local bird population with a tasty and healthy snack. 


In summer, it can be better to add a mixture of peanut butter and cornmeal to the bird feeder since suet can go rancid in heat. Additionally, these feeders are best kept at least five feet in the air to deter interest from other animals.


Choosing the right suet feeder is largely a matter of personal preference. You might want a larger or sturdier design for bigger birds or a smaller design for smaller ones. Different birds require different levels of support. Size can also play a factor in how much bird activity you want in your yard. Beyond this, you might want to factor in design and durability. Do you plan on having your feeder out year-round or just seasonally? Do you have any other yard décor? These factors can play a role in helping you to choose the right feeder!

Which birds do Suet feeders attract?



chickadee feeder



This is a wonderful option for a few key reasons. As a start, it offers you the chance to feed multiple birds at once and refill less because it can hold plenty of suet. This product also offers a darling design that will suit just about any yard with its neutral colors. Many people find this design works for them because it blends easily into a natural setting rather than standing out. It is perfect for all of your favorite bird friends to perch upon as well with specially designed vantage points. However, the real benefit of this product is the weather guard. Thanks to this weather guard, you can save on cleaning and protect the quality of feed for the local birds.

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When this product was made, it was designed to overcome the problems that squirrels can cause with feeders. Since squirrels are known to get into these feeders, this offers a cage to keep them out while still allowing birds to feed. It combats a well-known issue that can cause you to spend more money on seed, and makes it so that you don’t have to refill it nearly as often since only the birds will be eating the suet. Cleaning for this product takes little more than a simple rinse, and refilling it is easy. Its durable design is ideal for years of future use. This feeder can hold two cakes, which saves you time on refilling the product, and it is incredibly nice to look at!

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Depending on how much bird activity that you want to see in your yard, this might be the perfect feeder for you. Its simplistic design makes it easy for you to refill and clean in no time at all. It lacks weather guarding features, but you can easily hang it under cover to protect the suet cake. You will need to fill this one more, but that makes it possible for you to keep your suet fresh, which the birds will love. It is easy to use and perfect for keeping birds happy since it is easy to cling to. 

The real perk with this product is without question the price. While it is less fancy than some of the other options, it comes in at an incredibly low price that makes it easy for you to start feeding the local birds today. You can save on the cost of the product and suet since it offers only one cake at a time.

What we like


This birdfeeder comes at a much higher price tag than some of our other options on this list, but it really is a premium birdfeeder. The design of this feeder has been made to accommodate all kinds of birds, offering both seed and suet options. Not only can this hold a wide range of seed types, but it offers two suet cake holders to help you attract even more birds. It is a regular bird buffet! In addition to feeding many birds, it is designed to be sturdy and durable to last for years to come. A metal screen bottom makes it easy for the feeder to drain so that the feed won’t rot if a few drops get on it. When you factor in that it can hold over five pounds of seed and two suet cakes, it is easy to see why this easy to clean option is so well liked!

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Best Hopper / House Feeder 2020

Hopper feeders, also known as house feeders, are made to appeal to the preferences of many common feeder birds. The design is ideal for feeding wild birds that are looking for a good stash of seeds before heading off on their day. 


Popular birds like cardinals, finches, jays, and sparrows are known to love this style of birdfeeder because it grants them easy access to seed whether they want to perch or stop by for a quick sit. However, these feeders are also known to attract squirrels, which can be a bit problematic. Fortunately, many modern options have squirrel defenses added in. These feeders generally only need to be refilled once or twice a week depending on bird activity.


This style of feeder can hold a variety of different seed options depending on what kind of birds you want to attract. Most can hold seeds of various sizes, granting easy access to the local birds. For use, you will want to mount or suspend these feeders high in the air. 


When you are choosing a hopper feeder, you want to consider your needs. If you have a lot of squirrels, it will be beneficial to get one that defends against squirrels. Additionally, you might want one with a weather guard if you live in an area that is more open to the elements. Hopper feeders are prone to bacterial growth in the event that they become wet, so keep this in mind.


When looking for the right feeder, it is also best to consider how much bird activity you want and expect, and to make considerations for your personal design aesthetic. These feeders come in a variety of different styles, making it easy for you to find the perfect match for your home.

Which birds do hopper / house feeders attract?



red cardinal



If you are looking for a great entry level hopper feeder, this one is an excellent option. Not only does it tout an absurdly affordable price, but it is also offers an easy to clean and fill design. While some hoppers can be fairly difficult to maintain, this one was made to offer complete convenience. Its build automatically refills as the birds eat more seed, making it possible for you to simply fill it up and watch the activity. Since it is a completely clear design, you can always see when you need to fill or clean up this particular feeder.

Even better, it offers a weather guard roofing system that not only protects the seed, but provides birds with protection from the sun and rain as needed. You can easily add over two pounds of seed to this product, and it has an adorable neutral look that makes it blend in almost anywhere!

What we like


Squirrels might love birdseed, but it is safe to assume that your birds have absolutely no interest in sharing. This wonderful birdfeeder is equipped with an anti-squirrel design that makes it easy for you to feed the birds but not the squirrels. In the event that squirrels try to access it, they will not be able to find any purchase. The design of this feeder was made to withstand the elements, offering a durable build that will serve you well for years to come. It offers multiple vantage points for birds and a double-sided approach to feeding so that you can feed more birds at once. 

Since it also holds up to twelve pounds of seed, you don’t have to worry about constantly filling it. This product is made to hold mixed seed to appeal to all of your local bird friends. Additionally, it is adjustable to give you more control over what kinds of birds are visiting your yard.

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This adorable birdhouse is designed to look like a tiny outhouse and offers a truly endearing design. Its neutral colors make it ideal for most yards, and it holds over four pounds of seed so that maintaining the supply is easy but never overwhelming. Its built-in roof makes it resistant to the elements and offers protection to your seed supply so that you don’t have to worry about rot or bacteria. This product is also fitted with a squirrel-proof hanging cable so only the right animals have access to your seed supply. With its large feed tray and perch, you can enjoy easy feeding for all the locals.

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Amazon has always done a great job of providing us with easy access to the things that we need, and this birdfeeder is a great example of that. With this simple feeder, you can enjoy a hopper feeder experience with absolutely none of the headaches. Its simplistic design comes in a stunning copper color that blends into your yard, but also dresses it up a little bit. It is resistant to rust and made to last for years to come, all while holding up to two pounds of seed. With this easy to use design, your birds will always have fresh seed. Since it offers a surrounding perch, it is easy for multiple birds to drop by for a snack at the same time. When you pair this with its cheap price and one-year warranty, it is an easy investment to make.

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Best Window Feeder 2020

Window bird feeders are a unique bird feeder option that can help you to get more up close and personal with nature. Many people love these feeders because it makes it easy for them to observe the local bird population up close, and since many different birds like them, it can bring quite a variety. 


Sparrows, finches, and chickadees are known to love a good window feeder, making it easy for you to observe them as they interact and enjoy a good meal. Since these feeders tend to be more open, they can hold a variety of different seed and snack types including mixed seed, peanut butter, and more. The real benefit of these feeders is the fact that they attach to windows or balconies. This makes them a really great option for people who don’t have a yard or are worried about other types of wildlife accessing their birdseed.


When choosing the right window feeder, you will want to consider a few things. The first consideration will be regarding what kinds of birds that you want to see. You might need smaller or larger perches depending on what kinds of birds you are hoping to attract.


 Considering size as well as comfort for a bird can help influence how many birds drop by and how long they stay. However, the biggest focus for most when choosing these bird feeders is design. While other bird feeder types are known to be more neutral in design to blend in with nature, window feeders are generally chosen for how they look against the house. Consider what your personal design style means for the bird feeders that you are looking at. You can enjoy more versatility in design with these feeds and as long as you fill them up with yummy seeds, birds will love feasting in this protected space.

Which birds do Window feeders attract?




chickadee feeder


As far as window feeders go, this one takes the cake when it comes to simplicity. Its completely clear design makes it ideal for birdwatching so you can always see the activity that is going on. This brand offers a state-of-the-art suction cup design that keeps it attached firmly to your window so that you can enjoy watching birds in all kinds of weather. It holds up to four cups of bird seed, making it so you don’t have to refill too often. When you do, it is completely easy to simply pour more seed in and let the birds get back to feasting. This product was made to be easily cleaned in a sink and is made of durable materials that blend perfectly against your home. The drain and roof make it so you never have to worry about your seed rotting.

What we like


This product brings together the classic clear design with a little something extra for added design benefit. It is shaped like an adorable white house that will look perfect against the majority of homes, and it helps the birds to feel at home too. Its versatile design offers features for hanging as well as suction, making it ideal for use as a window feeder and house feeder as well. Drains at the bottom keep seed fresh and dry while the durable materials help it to withstand the elements. Its open design makes refilling and cleaning a breeze between visits from your bird friends.

What we like


This is another amazing product that offers a completely clear design so that you can easily spend time watching any of the wild birds that drop by. It offers a higher height option than some of the other models, making it ideal for taller birds as well as smaller ones. Made with extra-thick acrylic, this product was made to last for years to come no matter what nature throws at it. It offers an extra deep basin that holds one and a half cups of birdfeed so that your birds are always eating fresh. Their easy suction design makes it simple for you to apply it without needing to put in too much work. 

It is made to withstand the weight of multiple birds, and has been specially designed for easy cleaning. The drain option on the bottom helps keep seed dry and free from bacteria.

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When Miracly made this birdfeeder, they wanted to add something a little extra. Not only does this design offer a completely clear build for easy bird watching, but it is also fixed with a swing on the bottom so that birds can enjoy hanging out, even when they aren’t eating. This feature has been known to attract many birds looking for a good perch and can drastically improve your birdwatching experience. It was made to support multiple birds whether they are hanging out or dropping by for a quick meal. The build itself is scratch-resistant against talons and designed to hold up to three cups of seed. Its drain protects your investment, all while making it easy to clean.

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Best Tray / Platform Feeder 2020

Tray feeders, or platform feeders, are a great feeder for beginners. It is a simple feeder that can hold any time of seed or bird food. Simply place the food on the tray and sit back and wait for birds to come visit!


Tray feeders are usually placed on the ground, held up by four legs however they can be bought so that they attach to porches, windows, balconies and conventional bird feeder poles.


One drawback of tray feeders is that the birds will leave droppings on the tray and will need to be cleaned more regularly than other feeders.


One of the major advantages of using a ground tray feeder is that it attracts a different variety of birds in comparison to a conventional feeder. Some birds such as wild turkeys, doves, quail, sparrows and thrasher prefer eating from ground feeders.


Tray feeders do not have any special defenses against squirrel or other pests but they are an easy way to get rid of some left over bread that you may have in the house.

What birds do tray / platform feeders attract?

Wild Trukeys




The seed hoop bird seed catcher protects the garden and lawn from rotting seeds and damage to grass and weeds. It is a multi-purpose bird feeder that can be used as a safety net to catch falling seeds from other feeders or it can be used on its own as a tray feeder.


It’s 16inch hoop has six adjustable straps that be attached to another feeder or a pole and has a raised edge that does a great job of keeping the seeds within the hoop. It’s a versatile feeder that could be used in a backyard or a balcony rooftop. It is easy to use, well priced and performs well with little to no drawbacks.  

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Audubon have a worldwide reputation as bird experts so it is no wonder that their platform feeder is a fantastic option. It is made from recycled plastic and is hung from steel cables. The hanging feeder makes for great viewing as birds can be observed from all angles. The platform is 13inches by 13inches and can accommodate any type of bird feed. Considering the materials used in this feeder it comes in at a very competitive price. The only drawback of the feeder is that it isn’t enormous and can only accommodate a few birds at the same time.

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The bird’s choice bird feeder is made from recycled plastic. It is a pole mounted feeder that has two removable trays that are easy to clean. As it’s made out of recycled plastic, it is less prone to split or chip as easily as normal feeders. However, a drawback of the recycled plastic is that is quite heavy for its size. This feeder is a tray feeder and can’t be used as a ground feeder – keep this in mind if you’re looking to attract ground eating birds.

What we like


This ground platform feeder gives a fantastic bird watching experience; providing the best view of birds at a ground level. With a raised boundary along all sides, your birds can perch and eat in clear view. Ground feeders can attract a whole host of different birds such as wild turkeys, grosbeaks and doves who call love to eat from the ground. This feeder is made from recycled plastic and is therefore durable. It’s made in the USA and has a great steel-coated base so that water drains through, ensuring water doesn’t stagnate in the feeder.

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Best Tube Feeder 2020

Tube feeders are what many would imagine when thinking of a ‘bird feeder’. The simple design of the tube feeder has made them a popular option around many households.


Tube feeders are cylindrical feeders that have multiple perches that allow birds to sit and eat. Often made of plastic or metal these feeders are known to be durable due to their simple design.


Some tube feeders will have up-side down perches which only allows smaller birds to feed. Smaller birds are often intimidated around larger birds and will be reluctant to feed. These feeders ensure that the smaller (and often prettier) birds get the privacy that they require.


Tube feeders attracts bird such as grosbeaks, sparrows, finches, chickadee and robins.

Ensure that tube feeders are cleaned often as seeds can collect on the bottom of the feeding ports and can create a breeding ground for bacteria if left dirty.  


Tube feeders are great value for money, easy to refill and set up and a great choice for anyone wanting to attract birds to their backyard.

What birds do tube feeders attract?



chickadee feeder



The Droll Yankee tube bird feeder is sleek, simple and durable. It’s made from a polycarbonate tube and metal ports and is hung by a stainless-steel wire. It has an impressive 6 feeding ports and can hold up to 1 pound of bird feed. It has a lifetime warranty against squirrel damage which speaks volume to its durability. The feeder easily disassembles making cleaning the feeder an easy process. The feeder is design for sunflower seeds or mixed bird feed. The main drawback of the feeder is that it isn’t the largest, especially when comparing to others in the Droll Yankee range however depending on what you’re looking for, this might not be a problem.    

What we like


This attractive copper bird feeder is 14inches tall and can hold up to 700g of mixed seeds. The feeder can also accommodate other food such as meal-worms and sun flower seeds. The top of the bird feeder easily slips off for easy refill. For the price, this is one of the most best tube feeders on the market.


One of the drawbacks of the feeder is that it is a bit tricky to clean. The tube is quite skinny and does require a bottle brush to properly clean the bottom.

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Best Peanut Feeder 2020

Peanut feeders are similar to conventional feeders with the exception of the metal mesh that holds the feed within. The mesh is slightly larger in size than a normal bird feeders and allows peanuts to be eaten safely by the birds.


Peanuts are a great source of food for birds as it is high in fats, proteins and oils. Nutritional food like peanuts can be a life saver for birds who are building up fat before winter migrations. 


Cardinals, chickadees, doves, jays and nuthatches all love to feast on peanuts. 


Ensure that peanut feeders are regularly cleaned as bacteria manifest quickly on such high fat and protein treats.


Here is our top picks for best peanut feeders!

What birds do nectar feeders attract?


red cardinal


chickadee feeder



This peanut wreath is a beautiful design that offers great viewing of any feeding bird. With well over 400 reviews on amazon of 4.5* and above, this feeder is a great purchase. One thing to note with this feeder is that squirrels will enjoy it as much as birds. It has no anti-squirrel features unless you add a baffle on to the pole that holds the feeder up. 


The feeder holds over 1lbs of peanuts and is a fantastic addition to any backyard.

What we like


This Droll Yankee feeder has the capacity for 1lbs of peanuts and is made of durable stainless steel mesh. This feeder offers a lifetime warranty against squirrel damage and is therefore a fantastic alternative to the wreath mentioned in #1 if squirrels are a problem in your backyard. The metal cap slides off for easy refill.


Droll Yankee have a fantastic reputation as great bird feeder makers and it is no wonder that we found their peanut feeder to be one of the best on the market. 

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How to make a DIY bird feeder?

Sometimes it’s more fun to create your own bird feeder. It can be a great activity with kids and save some money. Watch this video to see how to make a bird feeder out of a plastic bottle. 


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About Us

We are avid bird-watchers who recently retired, allowing us more time to travel the world. Fortunately, we have managed to visit numerous countries around Europe, Asia, and America. Watching and photographing birds has been a passion for many years and we are making the most of the extra time on our hands!


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